He should not charge by the hour. Professionals charge by the hour. He should charge a flat fee, that includes everything. He should also understand that shooting weddings are very hard and complicated to shoot. Look at the package prices of local photographers, and charge 15% of that. (That's actually really generous.) If their wedding packages are $1,500, he should charge $225.
Does he even know how to edit? I'm not going to really get into all this, because it would just be really discouraging. I never encourage people with no experience to shoot weddings themselves. It takes a great amount of knowledge, skill, and more then a just a camera with a lens. I do encourage your husband to think long and hard about this. They are memories they can only have photographed once. If they don't come out, then that will be very awkward and sad.
I guess, he should just be trigger happy. Take as many pictures as he can and hope he gets lucky. And PRAY for nothing, but perfect lighting...because he'll need it.