Congrats!! My little one was in the NICu and they say that they have to feed them formula. Basically to make sure the baby is getting food etc. The lactation nurse told me to pump while she was in the NICU so I did. The other thing she told me was that Babies are not meant to have as much milk as they get from formula. My colostrum was enough and that was a small amount for the first couple days. Our daughter ate about every 2-3 hours. I would pump then send the milk to the NICU. She was a little upset in the beginning but I took her cold turkey off of formula. Also, if she has a hard time attaching onto your nipple then take a little formula and shake it onto your nipple they attach much easier.
Also, my mom told me to feed with Dr. Browns bottles and nurse. She only gave from the breast and my sisters would not take a bottle. I actually have emma on both, she will take a bottle of my milk or nurse. Dad gets to feed her and so do I:) I also make sure to pump, recently she has been sleeping from 9pm to 5am so I get up in the middle of the night and pump for storage milk. Good luck!