Although I have never weaned a child so young, (mine all nursed until around 3 years -- it worked for us -- I know it doesn't work for everyone -- you are the one who knows the best decision for you and your family. End of story) I do have some advice to offer.
I would definitely start with night weaning. There is an excellent article on night weaning here: Although it is based on a family bed model, it can be modified for other sleep situations as well. Once she's nightweaned, you can start in on daytime. The first thing you need to do is get her drinking from a bottle, sippycup, or a cup, so that there's something else to offer. My son used to nurse just as much as your daughter. The first thing I did was every time he asked to nurse, I would ask him if he was hungry or thirsty (he was already verbal at the time I started doing this) and about half the time, he was and was just asking to nurse because it was the easiest and most convenient solution. He would happily take a snack or a drink instead... particularly if offered a favorite, but often even if offered a cup of water. I also started shortening the nursing sessions that I was trying to drop -- he would nurse, and I would sing ABC, or twinkle twinkle, or something of approximately that length, and we'd be done. (Of course, I'd tell him that beforehand.) At this point, we're down to about 5 nursings a day (unless something happens that really upsets him and he needs to for emotional reasons) It's usually morning (he's often up at about 5:30, and nursing for about 10 min usually buys me another hour or so of sleep), midmorning, naptime, midafternoon, and bedtime. We're not nursing anymore when we're out and about, though if we're at a friend's house or relatives or something, or I'm trying to get him to nap, that's different.
I can't really give you any advice on how to drop those last few nursings... my kids have always been old enough by the time I'm ready to do that that we just have a discussion about how he/she's a big boy/girl now and nursing is for babys, and that we're going to stop on whatever day I've chosen. The end comes, they say goodbye to nursing, and that's that. Sometimes they snuggle in and tell me they miss it for a while, but it's pretty easy at that point. I suspect that I'll keep nursing my little one until he's done with naptime, which I suspect will happen within the next 6 months or so, but it's really the easiest way to get him to go down. He doesn't nurse to sleep at night anymore, only naptime. I am ready to be done -- been continuously pregnant or nursing since Dec. of 2000, but I also love nursing my babys, and I'll be a bit sad to lose that connection. Very mixed feelings. He's my last baby, so it's very bittersweet. Anyway, I'm getting rambly. Good luck, and remember to try to replace the comfort your daughter is getting from nursing with something else very special.