My third child (a girl) was the hardest to wean. My boys weaned pretty easy at 14 months and 17 months. I was pregnant each time I weaned them, so I think that made it easier... She was right about 18 months when I was done nursing (she wasn't but I'd been pregnant or nursing (or pregnant and nursing)) for about 6 years at that point and was really ready for a break.
Anyway - I am a SAHM so I used distraction during the day to cut out one nursing session at a time. I started with the one she "liked the least", for us it was the one first thing in the a.m. We just went straight to breakfast with no nursing. Easy. Then we moved to any nursings that were just "for fun" during the day. If she asked to nurse and it wasn't naptime, I'd stand up and offer her water or a snack. Then I wouldn't sit down again until she was distracted. I'd say it took a week and a half and we were down to nursing only at naptime (she had one nap a day), at 4:30, and then at bedtime. The last 3 were harder to drop... but we started with the 4:30 time, then naptime, and last to go was bedtime.
I tried to make sure we had extra snuggle time when she was full from a meal... I tried to make sure we read extra books, and took time for skin to skin contact (snuggles cheek to cheek, extra hugs, etc.). She'll miss that special quiet time with Mom... don't hesitate to hold her standing and rock her if she needs extra comfort but DON'T SIT DOWN :)
Good luck!