Honestly, and not to be mean or judgmental, but why stop? I too have used breast and bottle from the beginning and even supplemented with formula from time to time. I allowed pressure from others ,make me feel like I needed to stop around the 1 yr old mark and what a terrible mistake!
After struggling and ignoring my gut I finally fad to say, to hell with everyone else. My baby wants it, needs it, and it's good for us both. He is almost 2, still nursing on demand, but eats just about everything and drinks soy milk as well. His appetite fluctuates, particularly when teething or sick, but that's okay because he gets all the nutrients he needs from the breast milk.
Our family doctor said I shouldn't worry about low appetite or giving things like pedialyte when sick because the breast milk is way better! Just be sure growth and development are on track.
I know surrendering your body to a small person for that long can become tiring and even irritating at times. But breastfeeding provides a comfort that nothing else can, particularly in the rough toddler times and your child seems to be giving signals that it's needed and wanted. For me, being home full time, even when working(I write) is a blessing for this very reason-I am holding my sleeping son while he nurses as I type. Don't know what your feelings are on it, but co-sleeping has helped us. Granted on rough nights no one sleeps, but for the most part my son sleeps through the night now, nurses on demand when he needs to and we can both doze during.
It might all seem crazy, but even the World Health Organization advocates breastfeeding until at least age two. I know where you are, been there, stressed about it, lost the sleep etc. But I know that I will never get these months of bonding and comfort back, so we're making the best of it and reaping the benefits!
I wish you luck and if you need more advice, glad to help!