hey i have a little girl she is one i'm still nursing her and i tired every thing i can do.all i can think of is give him more table food cause that's what i'm doing
I did what I said I wouldn't do and nursed my little man to sleep for naps and bedtime :) I work part time and it has been a struggle for his caregivers to get him to nap. He is extremely tired and needs his rest. I feel I am taking that away from him plus it is a burden on his caregivers. I was wondering if any of you have had this experience weaning nursing to sleep and what works. Thanks!
hey i have a little girl she is one i'm still nursing her and i tired every thing i can do.all i can think of is give him more table food cause that's what i'm doing
I found that my DD and her caregivers worked out a system for them that was different than me at home. Sleep is one of the last nursing sessions many children give up. My DD's final nursing session was just before bed.
That said, I would make the sessions shorter and shorter and start to include other soothers/bedtime routines. You didn't mention WHAT they were doing and if you could work with them on any routine you have at home to help.
Have her take a shirt you wore the next day or your pj top that morning give it to him lay it by him on his chest or shoulder while eating his bottle before a nap. Let him sleep with it. See if that helps. Its not necessarily sucking on you its your smell and the contact he want.
I did that too. However it was not a real struggle to get her to sleep. I would feed her, then give her to hubby to rock to sleep. The room was dark with a loud fan going, so nice sleeping environment (even during the day). She did pretty good and soon it was not an issue. We were weaning completely at that point.
Best wishes!
My kids were about 1.5 years old when they finally gave up nursing to sleep. It was hard to get rid of since at that point it was more about being soothed than anything else. I would just cut the time shorter and shorter until they didn't nurse anymore. Took about a month to totally wean them.
Hmmm...My son is almost 4 and still nurses to sleep sometimes and always cosleeps on my nights off, but at the sitters he sleeps in his own bed without any problem, and at "school" he naps on his cot ok. And at Grandma and Grandpa's he sleeps in a big old puppy pile with whatever other cousins are there. He DOES sleep with his Santa blanket at the sitters though -- it's VERY soft and fuzzy. So i think I'd attack this from the other end and get him a special blankie or stuffed animal for the sitters....