I read through a few responses. I understand the one regarding this may be the only break that the teacher gets and it's a good thing to bring up because it goes from the teachers perspective. But, then I think - this is the teacher's JOB. She gets paid for this and if she can't get a break, then she needs to discuss that with the higher ups in my opinion. In NYS, the law requires a 30 minute break AFTER 6 hours of work. Not before, not during. I understand these kids are alot to handle, but again - it's her job, and what she chose to do.
Having said that - I have a 2 yo. She is allowed maybe 30 minutes with the babysitter in the morning. I may put something on for her while I cook dinner - usually if she is really tired. But more and more, she helps ("helps") w/ dinner and if she's watching something, usually my husband is there and they talk about it during. I say this to emphasize that I am not completely on the side of no TV.
BUT, I am on the side of no TV at school. There were a few things brought up - kids overeat while watching TV. It is entrancing, not stimulating. It is great that they talk about it after, but I think there are many other things that they can do during lunch. This is one of those things that my husband would say "let it go Meliss" and think I was overreacting, but I don't think you are to feel this way. Sure - offer to do something at school during lunch - talk to the other parents - but in all honesty - you are paying for your child to go to school and learn - not watch TV. There was a study I just saw that said the average 60 year old has watched 15 YEARS of television. Your daughter will have plenty of time to accrue her 15 years - I agree that school is not the place to add the time on!! Every once in a while as a treat - when it rains, if they interact with the video, etc, etc. But everyday as a general rule - not so much in my book.
Good luck!
Oh - and rules are different in school - and that's ok too. Ironically, it's usually school that's a little bit stricter than at home - not more lenient!!!!!!! LOL