Venting: 31 Weeks Feeling HUGE and Already Miserable.

Updated on October 01, 2010
S.T. asks from Denver, CO
17 answers

I just need to vent to some fellow women that understand my pain. This is my first pregnancy, I'm 31 weeks along, I feel HUGE! My back is already killing me and I'm getting more and more miserable with each day. And I still have at least 9 weeks to go! Maybe longer. Is this normal? Am I just being a wuss? I just thought the last month was the really miserable part. I felt great during the second trimester and now.... WHAM! How do you women handle this and have more than one kid??? :\

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answers from St. Louis on

I'm 28 wks with my 3rd and I am so uncomfortable this time around. I have some days that are better than others - there always seems to be a different complaint each day. I feel worse on the days that I didn't get enough to drink the day before and I started doing more stretching last week and that seems to help some too.
You are not alone and I don't know about you but as I look back, the time has gone by really fast up to now and you're almost to the end!



answers from Dallas on

What you are feeling is completely normal. Try take a warm bath and getting some you time in before that sweet baby gets here. Also if you are having back pain try getting a pregnancy support belt it really does help.

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answers from Springfield on

Oh I feel your pain, sister! :) Hang in there! I just had baby #3 (my 3rd in 4 years) and each pregnancy poses its own aches and pains and hard times. Sorry to say it doesn't get any easier. Just remember that pregnancy is a means to an end. The baby that will be here soon in your case will be here and in about 6 months you will feel better and begin enjoying him/her, your body will be alleviated of much of the pain, and you won't have to endure the silly side effects like heartburn, acid reflux, gas, hair falling out (after you have the baby, get ready for that!). It's amazing what we women go through to actually have children. If our mothers told us how awful pregnancy was, would we ever give them grandchildren? HA!
I too, was feeling as miserable as you and even had to go to a physical therapist to deal with the overwhelming back/leg pain. When you're pregnant, your muscles and ligaments relax, thus not giving your body the support it had before pregnancy. Messed up, I know. BS if you ask me. But it does happen to lots of us. In addition to the difficulty breathing, sleeping, moving around. It's all a joy! Ha! As soon as that baby is out of you I guarantee you will feel an INSTANT relief. It's a physical blessing--not only the bundle of joy you brought into the world... but the feeling of easy breathing and weightlessness you experience when the baby is out of you. You will relish that moment, as I have 3 times now. It's coming for you soon, just hang in there. Get a body pillow for support when you sleep, if you can sleep. My doctors always prescribed me a sleep aid, which helps. Get a prenatal massage if you can. Take it easy-- don't over exert yourself, and put your feet up ALOT. As in, all the time. You'll get through it. Congratulations!!

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answers from Cincinnati on

I HATE being pregnant. I detest it. I despise it. Some women feel good with the hormones coursing through them, but I spend pregnancies nauseous, exhausted, in pain, and with terrible acid reflux! I don't actually feel great during the 2nd trimester - I'm miserable the whole time. It was true for my first pregnancy, and although it's been better this time around, I'm still miserable. But I think you'll understand why we do it when you have your baby. Believe it or not, it IS worth it. Maybe not right away (the first couple of months having a baby are hard, too), but eventually, you'll see it. I'm in my 40th week of my 2nd pregnancy right now, and I'll probably do it again in a couple of years, believe it or not.

I highly recommend that you go to Motherhood Maternity and purchase a couple of seriously supportive nursing bras. My favorite is this one:
I didn't believe it during my first pregnancy when the saleswoman told me, but wearing this while you sleep really helps with the back pain! It won't go away, of course, but after a couple of nights sleeping in one of these, my back was a LOT better. I began wearing it at the end of my second trimester for this pregnancy, and I never had the severe back pain that accompanied my first pregnancy. It's worth a shot. Good luck!

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answers from Kokomo on

You are not alone. Every pregnancy is different, some more difficult than others.

I have 2 1/2 weeks left and this is my second pregnancy. I have felt worse the last month and a half than even the last day of my first one.And I am techinically much healthier with this one. Just way more pain pressure, discomfort, and sickness.

As hard as this is to believe enjoy these last few weeks. The last part goes so quick. It is the most amazing experience no matter how difficult and miserable it is and there will be things you miss about it and wish you had cherished a little more.

Get lots of pillows for your bed and couch, take some nice warm baths before bed ( I take my laptop in there and watch a show), take videos of your tummy moving, and just use the rest of your time to relax.

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answers from Denver on

You just get through it. I know lot's of people say how much they love being pregnant. . . not me! I was miserable and huge and coming down slowly with pre-eclampsia the whole last trimester when I had my youngest son. I just took it day by day and felt crappy the entire time. Truly, you just kind of forget about it after you have the baby. Hang in there!



answers from Kansas City on

I hear you! I am 35 weeks, and I have felt like you since about 31 weeks also. This is my second little one, and I do wonder why I did it to myself again, but believe me, it is soooooo worth it when your little one arrives! My body does not like being pregnant, but I can't wait for the little suprise bundle of joy!


answers from Seattle on

You are not being a wuss...pregnancy can be very hard! I was miserable with all 3 of my pregnancies...I had "Morning Sickness" from about week 9 till the day I delivered! I have literally puked all over my city, sometimes I couldn't always make it to a restroom and had to just pull over, ugh, it was awful! With my 1st son, I was on vacation on the beach and my back freaked out, I swear I lived with a heating pad and smelling like Bengay or Icy Hot for months...the only thing to help me through it was to think of my ever growing baby and to fantasize about what he/she was going to be like!

Your is hard for some of us, I was always jealous of those woman who just loved being pregnant because I was not one of them...for me it was miserable! But guess what? Your almost done..just hang in will be holding your baby before you know it!



answers from Colorado Springs on

It's not at all unusual to feel like a beached whale.

Hang in there. Do the things you need to do, but don't push yourself any more than you must. Try to keep your sense of humor. It isn't very long now - you're in the last lap, as it were. And you have a baby at the end, which is a GREAT reward.



answers from Washington DC on

With my 1st, I was on bedrest the whole 3rd trimester, so I was already miserable since I couldn't do anything. I'm currently pregnant with my 2nd & have been miserable (and continuing to get worse) since I hit my 3rd trimester. My daughter just turned 4 & having a 13 month old puppy when daddy is at work most of the day definitely doesn't help! Lol I just rest when I can & ask for help with the housework when my back hurts too much, my feet are too swollen, etc....I'm 37 weeks now & when I was @ the ob yesterday, really tried to talk her into doing a c-section this week to put me out of my misery! But she wasn't having it : / You are definitely not alone! Everyone says "hang in there!" I reply "What do you think I've been doing!?!" The best advice I can give now: if you feel like resting, do it. If you don't feel like doing housework, don't. Do whatever you need to do to get comfortable. Then if anyone gives you a hard time about it, you could always tell them what I do: "I'm huge, pregnant, & miserable. Leave me alone!"



answers from Grand Junction on

I'm at 31 weeks too! I also feel huge and heavy and all squished up inside. My back hurts, I can't seem to get a good night's sleep and I have constant heartburn. Not really much fun is it? I find that gentle exercise and prenatal yoga each day really lifts my spirits and eases some of my discomfort. The early stages of my pregnancy were a little rocky so I feel fortunate to have made it this far along. I take comfort in the thought that each day this baby stays inside is another day that he or she is growing stronger before the birth day arrives. I have an active 3 year old who is actually a great distraction. I know from my experience of her natural birth the majority of the pregnancy issues go away the moment the little one is born, and then there are a host of new challenges to deal with! Welcome to parenthood!



answers from Denver on

You're not being a wuss. This is a great place to vent and complain. I am at Week 38 with baby #3! I have a 3 yr. old and a 4 1/2 yr. old. Yeah, that 2nd trimester is great. Unfortunately, with 2 kids already, I only felt great during month 5 & 6. I don't feel like doing anything! I'm tired when I wake up and have to function being tired all day. Just take it one day at a time. The one thing about pregnancy being 9 months, is that you're so ready to be done being pregnant, you feel like you can handle whatever is coming on the other end... crying baby, sleepless nights.



answers from Salt Lake City on

You might love a chiropractor. They are awesome and it could help you feel better. :)



answers from Boise on

I loved being pregnant, but do remember feeling huge. I was actually walking through Europe at 31 weeks with my first!! Do you have a body pillow? That can really help, and I am still using mine and my daughter is 4 months. :)

In other words it is totally normal, but when you see that little baby in 9 weeks, all those memories slip away and you are willing to do it all over again. :)


answers from San Francisco on

Completely normal,one of the many joys of
What I would focus on is the fact that this is your first pregnany so you don't have another child to run around after.
So enjoy the time to get as much relaxation and sleep as you can because once the baby comes,so sorry to say this but sleep no longer exists LOL.
Wishing you all the best on your new ,wonderful adventure of becoming a mother.



answers from Dallas on

You are NOT being a wuss. It is tough. I felt the same way with our son and even worse with the twins. I was put on bedrest at 28 weeks with our twins and the days went by soooo slowly. I was absolutely huge and so uncomfortable! One thing that made it more bearable was a support belt. My back hurt so bad at 5 months that I didn't care what it looked like, I just wanted relief. It really helped. I hated to take it off for showers because my back hurt so much. I even slept in the thing the last couple months. : )

Hang in there.


answers from Houston on

It's normal... you're not a wuss. it can be miserable! Some days though, you will get this spurt of energy so get things done on those days.
Just continue to eat healthy, drink tons of water, do some arm, neck and leg stretches or perinneal massage. get lots of rest... get help from family and friend with cooking. cleaning and such if you need.

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