My daughter recently had a vcug. It is a simple procedure, albeit hard for mama to watch. They will put a catheter in him and put dye in his bladder. Then they will do a scan that takes about 30 min to watch the dye and see if it flows up into his kidneys. My daughter has a grade 2 in her right kidney. If he does have kidney reflux, the standard of treatment is to go on low-dose pro-biotic antibiotics (septra or macrobid usually) until it resolves, which usually occurs between the ages of 2 and 5. If you are not comfortable with him being on antibiotics for that long, there are other options you can ask your dr about. There is a procedure called Deflux, where they put a gel in his ureter to prevent the backflow (I am currently discussing this w/my dr as I hate the idea of my daughter being on antibiotics for up to 3 more years, she is 2 now), and there is a surgery they can do to install a valve that will prevent backflow. Both are safe, simple procedures. If he does have kidney reflux, he will have a vcug once a year until it is rsolved. I know this all sounds terribly scary, but it is not as bad as it sounds. Let me know if you have any other questions, or just need a shoulder to cry on.