Urine Smell in Hair

Updated on September 22, 2015
J.S. asks from Eureka, CA
11 answers

I would like to know if anyone has heard of a toddler's hair smelling like urine. The hair is clean, just washed and still smells.

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answers from Portland on

How does her hair smell before you wash it? I suggest you try using a different shampoo. If her hair has an odor at other times, I suggest you ask her doctor about the odor. Some medical conditions cause odor.

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answers from Wausau on

First, I'd check the kiddo's bed. Even if you can't smell anything, totally strip it down, wash all the bedding including the pillow and stuffed animals on it if applicable. If the mattress is plastic, wash it down. If the mattress has an old urine odor, it might be easiest to replace it and use waterproof covers going forward.

If it isn't her bed/bedding, then change shampoo brands in case there is something funky with the one you've been using.

If she still smells, then it is time to see a doctor. There are conditions that can cause a urine/ammonia smell.

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answers from Washington DC on

Welcome to mamapedia!!

A mom here had this problem 7 years ago:

I would ensure my child's pillow and pillow case are clean.

I would change the shampoo and conditioner I used on my child's hair. I would suggest something like Selsum. Or use vinegar in her hair after she washes it. Our bodies release a lot of toxins via the skin and the scalp is still skin...

If after 3 days that smell was still there? I would make an appointment with my pediatrician and also a dermatologist to see if there is a skin problem going on.

Good luck!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I never used any products for children. I've always used regular shampoo and conditioner on the kids hair.

If you could mention what you washed it with? Conditioned it with?

I stopped using shampoo and only use Dove conditioner now. But the kids need the grime cleaned out.

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answers from Appleton on

Did this happen right after you washed it or after she woke up in the morning? Is it possible she wet the bed and rolled into the urine while sleeping?

I have 4 kids and 9 grandkids and have never had this happen, unless they wet the bed and rolled in the urine while sleeping.

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answers from Lakeland on

Is it before or after washing?

Before: your child could be wetting the bed while sleeping (at night or nap) and it gets onto the pillow or all over the bed.

After: maybe your child is peeing while in the bath and you don't realize that it is happening and then you are rinsing your child with that water.

I would try a different shampoo and rinsing with fresh water at bath time, washing all the bedding including pillows. If it still happens then I would talk to the doctor about it.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Ok, maybe this is crazy, but . . . Are you the only one that smells this? Or can others smell it too? I only ask that for a couple of days before a bad migraine headache, I smell "pee" and sour milk in the corners of the house. The dumb thing is each time this happens, I walk around claiming that one of the animals had an accident or one of the kids spilled, and my husband is like "no, nothing smells - you are getting a migraine." And every time I deny it and say "no really! This time I really smell it!"

Anyways, just a thought . . . Good luck!

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answers from St. Louis on

Has it been hot in your area. Could it be sweat? My oldest daughter used to have a sour smell to her hair even after washing it. It was so thick and it was hot outside, she would sweat and it would smell. I had to use a blow dryer to dry the hair near her scalp.

The younges is very active and she sweats from head to toe. The sweat can smell like ammonia.

Try looking up ammonia smell in sweat and see if that answers your question.

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answers from Springfield on

i would wash again and use vinegar as a rinse. then rinse again with water

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answers from Washington DC on

Are you still using baby shampoo? Might be time for a kid version and/or let it sit for a minute. See if the smell lingers after the hair is dry and check for cradle cap or anything similar.

ETA: we use Dove on my DD.

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answers from Norfolk on

Is it an ammonia smell?
If I've been sweating a lot and wash my hair I sometimes get an ammonia smell for a little while.
It doesn't last long.

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