Have you ever felt like you were about to drown while swimming?
Like right on the edge, when your heart starts beating really fast?
This is what asthma can feel like.
It is awful and terrifying sometimes. (I used to notice the lack of oxygen would cause her to go pale and get dark circles under her eyes). Sometimes it was so gradual, I would not notice it until I would see a photo of her. I would feel so guilty.
And so these medications really help his body to open up so that he can breath.
The good news is that there is a VERY good possibility he will grow out of this eventually.
Our daughter had severe asthma for years. She was once in the hospital for 3 days. It was so awful.
But by 6th grade, she never had a problem again. She is very aware of "Ozone Action days" and will stay inside as much as possible.
What helped our daughter was what we did in our home to make it a "breathing sanctuary", especially her bedroom, since she needed to be able to sleep well at night and when she was not feeling well we made sure it was set up for her needs.
We live in an area with a lot of pollen from constant blooming trees, We have a lot of Dust AND when the Mexico fires are going on, we get the smoke.
We took out ALL carpeting throughout the house. We took down drapes, especially in her room. We instead use blinds that can be wiped down.
We made sure the linens for her bed could be washed , I used to purchase 2 comforters for her. One to wash each week (faded) and the other stored so it could be pulled out if guests came still looked brand new.
We had Hepa filters for our air conditioning/heating system in the house AND we purchase a Electric air filter just for her bedroom. It was by Hunter (can be purchased at Lowes, Home Depot etc) and I learned to keep at least 3 extra filters, because even though the manufacturer suggest the filter be changed every 6 to 8 weeks, there were times of the year, WE had to change it every 3 weeks it was that filthy. We also purchased a good Vacuum and when they came out, "Swiffers" became our best friend.
I know it is sad when our children seem dependent on medications, we wish there was some "Natural" solutions, but once our daughter was so ill, I just knew she deserved to be able to breath and not be so frightened by the asthma attacks and her low energy any longer.