Considering that there are currently 5 people unemployed for every 1 position open/hiring, the current 99 week unemployment benefit seems about right. There are huge numbers of people who worked in relatively high-level positions for decades and now find themselves unemployed through no fault of their own. We have decided as a society that when this happens to people, we do not want them and their families to be homeless and starving - and I think this says good things in terms of our priorities as a nation. We help each other during tough times, and these are tough times. NO, people should not feel guilty for collecting unemployment! Just yesterday I had to lay off my assistant due to circumstances totally beyond her (and my) control. She is the single mom of 5 children. Who on Earth would sit here and say that she ought to be out on the streets? She has a great work ethic, integrity, and due to unfortunate circumstances, finds herself unemployed totally unexpectedly. She wasn't making enough to where she could realistically be expected to have a big savings account. She was living paycheck to paycheck as it was, just trying to keep up with rent, feeding her kids, keeping them in clothes, etc. This is the person the unemployment system was created to help.
All that said, it's not like people live in the lap of luxury who are on unemployment. Here in CA, it tops out at $450/week, which isn't enough to pay rent, let alone eat, put gas in the car, pay for health insurance (hello, COBRA costs of over $1000/month for a family of 4!). That is the maximum payout - so most people receive a benefit of much less than $450/week. Is this really what people are choosing to focus on right now? How about the fact that GE, O. of the largest corporations in America, paid NO TAXES last year on a profit of over $14 BILLION? (Profit, not sales.) Or that the richest 400 Americans have 50% of the total wealth in our country? But instead we flip out over people who have worked hard all their lives, suddenly find themselves unemployed, and are forced to collect on unemployment to keep food on the table while they scrap for whatever job they can find? REALLY?