I have a 2-yr old who comes into our room at least once per night/early morning. What I do (my husband usually sleeps through it) when he quietly wanders in (and either lies down next to the bed or stands and fidgets until I notice him) is carry him back into his bed and lay down with him until he falls asleep, which is usually within a couple minutes. As I was searching online for answers, I suddenly recalled that I used to do this until I was around TEN years old! (Not nightly but, still...wow! I hope it doesn't last that long.) We moved around a lot, and my dad travelled frequently for work so, maybe that's why my mom was pretty sympathetic to my sleep needs at the time. I have 3 younger siblings and they never had such a hard time sleeping. I also have a 4-month old and am nursing so, sleep is rare and precious but, I can't bear to get upset with my 2-yr old and just hope that he will start to feel secure enough to go back to sleep. I know that getting upset with him over it can only make things worse so, I try hard not to get frazzled. Trust me, sometimes I just want to scream! But then I put myself in his tiny little shoes. I can't tell if it is bad dreams or just habit but, I know that when he's a teenager and won't talk to me, I may miss these needy days. Just got him back to bed for the night. Sigh...