Hi. I have a 2 1/2 year old son (my third child, the "baby") who has always been a fabulous sleeper. While I am fighting my older two, he has always laid right down with his blankie and pacifier and gone right off to sleep. And if he doesnt fall right off, he looks through a book (quietly) from the light of a night-lite. (The books he flips through sing nursery rhymes quietly, so it doesnt take much seeing)
A couple of weeks ago, he started screaming for mommy every night after he was put to bed. I tried sitting with him for a while, tried the whole drink-potty-brush teeth again routine,tried warm milk (which he refused) tried everything I could think of to get him to quiet down and go to sleep. I even tried bringing him downstairs and putting in a movie with the lights out. He would squirm and pout because he was TIRED and wanted to be in bed, but when I would take him back to bed and leave, he would start screaming.
One night, I took him to my bedroom and put him on my bed while I fished around for my pjs. He noticed my "mini" flashlights on my nightstand that I use for reading when I go to bed. Needless to say, he takes one of my tiny flashlights to bed with him now. It has become part of our routine for him to go to my room and wait by the door after hes been dressed, teeth are clean, and the whole night-time routine is done. We then go to my room together and get the flashlight off my nightstand and tuck him into his bed.
I usually wait about half an hour then go in his bedroom to retrieve the flashlight and make sure he's still tucked in.
Im not sure how this would work with two boys in the same room, and I would reccomend a flashlight that has a push button to turn on and off if you go with this method, as a twisty one spells trouble :)
PS. He's back to the "normal" bedtime routine, without the flashlight and going to sleep just fine. His "flashlight phase" lasted about a week and a half.