Oh mama, I feel your stress!
My son was breech. Turned at 27 weeks and never turned back. I did everything from chiropractic techniques (Webster) to accupuncture to moxibustion treatments at home. I did exercises, I talked to the baby, I played music down by my pubic bone, shined a flashlight in that area, and had his big brother and father talk to him down there.
I had a version at 38 weekd (unsuccessful) and chose to have a c-section at 39 weeks since at 40 weeks time frame they were no longer going to be letting in children as visitors due to H1N1. My version was very short lived. The doctor tried for a few minutes, but stopped saying that he would have moved by then.
I knew by then in my heart of hearts that he wasn't moving and for a good reason. We had a planned homebirth and even considered a vaginal breech birth, but I wasn't comfortable with one at home. There are no doctors in SanDiego that would do one at my hospital.
I know that isn't what you want to hear, but wanted to share my story and tell you that I am thinking of you. It is sort of disappointing. i hate to admit it, but I was a little mad at my son for not turning.
As it turned out, he had an extremely short cord (not found on a 37 week ultrasound) and couldn't turn. He probably would have never descended and we'd have had a c-section anyways.
I wish you luck. If I can give you some c-section advice. Take arnica right before going in (I can send you the dosage amount if you want to PM me) and religiously for a few days. They will tell you nothing to eat or drink, but it dissolves in your mouth...just sneak it in. I took it and ended up taking Tylenol for a headache a few days after my c-section. That was all the pain meds I needed and none for the actual incision. I really chalk it up to the arnica for bruising.
I wish you luck.
Check out the spinning babies website. www.spinningbabies.com
My friend was due right around the same time I was and was committed to a home birth no matter what. She did all the same things I did and her baby turned at 38 weeks. It can happen.
Do some soul searching and see if you really think this baby will turn. After a while, I sort of felt like I was bothering him trying to get him to turn. That sounds silly, but I really felt that way.
Wishing you luck and as peaceful as a birth as you can have! And here's to spinning babies!!!!