Hi L.,
First of all, you DID NOT hurt your children. Kids are way more resilignt then we give them credit for. As far as seperating, it sounds like it works for everybody except you. Guilt, especially unwarranted guilt will just eat you up and that would hurt the kids more than being in a 'REAL FAMILY'. There are all kinds of "real families", kids living with grandparents, gang members feeling a sense of belonging with their "boys", aunts and uncles raising someone elses kids. You kids have it good. They feel less stress and tension, and they know they are wanted at both houses. We share custody with my husband's ex-wife. It took me a long time to become comfortable in my role. I decided that when they are here I will not fall into the "weekend parent" kind of person--all fun and games. I go on with our regular routine (which I believe kids thrive on) and that really helps them feel at home and not awkward. It's great that you and your ex--or soon to be ex---get along. You wll be in each others lives forever. All the special functions and there will be tension at many of these, we are only human, but overall if the kids seem quiet or uncomfortable I just take a step back and let them interact as the "real family" they once were. I've always stressed that they have a "real mom, that loves them very much", but they are lucky because now they have2 sets of parents that love them deeply, sometimes so deeply that we all argue who "gets" you. That's pretty cool. If they are little, they of course, will want their parents to get back together. I realize that is normal, but still deep down it's a little hurtful to me. I've been with them since they were 1.5 and 2.5. I remember going in to the youngest child's room because he was crying and I jumped up and scooped him in for a consoling hug, we he noticed that it was me and not his "real mom" he cried even louder and begged for his dad. That was the hardest time. The great times are too many to list, but my dgtr and I were at the grocery store and she was about 4. The lady in line commented that we looked just alike! We laughed and laughed. My son has bright red hair and when people ask where that came from I just wink at him and say "from his mom". It was our little game. Eventually their mom and I became pretty good friends. She spends most holidays with us so we can both be with the kids. It was difficult for my husband at first, but he's a trooper and realized it was for the kids. The point of this novella is that you are giving your kids the "real family", only without all the bickering that was part of their first real family.
One more tip: I didn't want the kids to call me "mom" since they already had a mom that we shared custody with. But I also didn't want themto call me by my first name...so we came up with"Mamasan", that seemed to work and then when their dad and I had a baby the kids were over the moon! No jealously, no problems. Of course they couldn't wait to show their mom, so in she comes and it wasn't so bad. I guess it could have been bad for her, to see what we had to offer the kids--but they understood completely wha the deal was. We swore to ourselves that we would never say an unkind thing about their mom in their presence. That was tough for me, in fact there were many rough patches, but the kids were encouraged to tell us what it feels like. They didn't want to favor one over the other. In any event, I see both families, grandparents and cousins, make up our very happy and very REAL family. Good luck to you L.. Give your kids the stability they need, don't bring home a lot of men, if you do get serious I'd meet the new guy at Chucky Cheese, a family geared place. They can get to know him and if it becomes too much they can go off and play for awhile, but you know what? They always came back! Our eldest is getting married in a year. I do wonder what my place will be. My kids question that? Like "what do you think you're going to be?" and all my old insecurities came back. Would they want a pic of the "real parents? Will the old parents talk about things that I was not around for ... what's the deal. My dgtr was actually confused. She told me my role would be to be a mom at her daughter's wedding. Wowsa, that feels good. I do hope you find peace and don't worry about your kids, go for joint custody if you can. Let dad deal with the day to day, get homework, baths, meals and bedtime, just like you have to do. If he only sees them on the weekends that's not fair to you. You do all the hard, task master sort of stuff, and he's free to "wine them and dine them". That would confuse them more. Sorry this has been so long, but I feel strongly that my experiences may be of some sort of help. Write to me anytime at ____@____.com to hear from you soon.