Heavy metal buildup can cause regression.
Problems with memory, brain fog, slow processing, IQ, even lack of desire to socialize can be caused by metals.
This is an interesting fact that many do not know: Heavy metal poisoning (I think it was specifically mercury if I remember right) and AUTISM have the very exact list of symptoms- TO THE TEE. Autism rise and the rise in vaccines have gone hand in hand.
Iron especially, builds up in tissues and there is not any way for people to release it, unless they bleed excessively/give blood.
I have been doing medical research for years. I have my own set of problems with my kids, (brain fog, severe memory/learning issues, arthritis) and I am going to order NCD zeolite..it costs about $50 bucks a bottle, but it will release the metals with NO side effects at all.
I am not a distributor. Just a mom who has had sick children and has gotten no help from the medical community. There are many different sites that sell zeolite and some are fake. The only brand that backs up their product with data is waiora brand. There are many sites that sell that brand.
Another thing you can try to improve things with her is magnesium. Low magnesium levels can cause IQ loss. You can use magnesium citrate, which is a drinkable form, or magnesium malate, which is a pill form. Both can cause loose stools, so you just cut back the dose until the stool firms up. or you can get magnesium oil (aka :magnesium chloride) online, which you rub on the skin. it will absorb cellularly, and won't cause loose stool.
The most quickly absorbable kind of all of them is the citrate.
It takes a while to build up cellular magnesium levels. Do not expect miracles with magnesium, although people do say it can work for many symptoms. I suggested it to one mom who had major PMS and she said it worked wonders. However I think you might see good progress with the zeolite- people are reporting changes in just a few days. Personally I would do both simultaneously.