Is there a reason why you decided to move him from a crib to a toddler bed?
If he was comfortable in his crib, slept well, was not falling out and/or injuring himself trying to escape it, why ruin that? There is nothing wrong with leaving your child in his crib! In fact, 10 years ago, most children were still in their cribs even at 3 years - this whole "moving your child to a toddler bed" trend is just that, merely a trend (that has also followed the trend of infant and toddler academic training/organized and this whole new cultural expectation that our toddlers should conduct themselves like small adults). Put him back in his crib - its just like potty training. He will let you know when HE is ready - he is obviously not that there yet.
My 2 1/2 year old is still in her crib - she sleeps well, naps, and is a healthy, social, well adjusted child. She will be welcome to sleep in her crib for as long as she wants before she either physically grows out of it or desires to be in a "big girl bed" and has proven that she can handle the responsibility. Part of what characterizes toddlerhood, especially the 2's, is a lack of self sensoring - you can't really expect a 2 year old to not get out of a toddler bed if there is nothing holding him back, its just not one of their natural capabilities! That maturity to understand, follow, and understand WHY one follows a rule comes with age and maturity - something which our toddlers don't have!
Put his crib back together, and instead, make the transition into his new big boy bed in line with some other milestone for him (like his 3rd birthday) instead of just arbitrarily taking him out of his crib. It is HIS bed that he has been sleeping there safely and happily for as long as he can remember - its a big step for a small child!