I use a toy chest for the exact reason you are worried about...dumping everywhere. I did organize "sets" into clear storage bags,like the ones your blankets and sheets come in. You can also buy these in storage area that are sold as sweater bags. The bags make it so much easier to find something. I did nto have these at first and they would have to pull everything out to find one little thing that was always on the bottom. Since i added the bags the chaos is so much more controlled. Yes, they still need to pull things out but the bags are so much easier to pick up than a dozen little pieces. I have a bag for doctor stuff, music items, race cars, blocks, etc... The big items like stick horses and swords can easily lay inside. One thing to check out... Make sure the hinges are child safe. I bought a wood toy box instead of plastic so it was strong enough for them to sit on and jump off of. And they do. Another plus with the toy chest and bags, it is easy to grab a bag to take with you to a friends house, play date, trip, etc. And the toy chest can be used later on (if it survives) in another room for blankets or shoes etc. Good luck! Ps i've had mine 9 years and it is still standing!