One thing you could try is cheerios in the potty for him to aim at. Boys love that. I got that from someone I know who was giving me advice on potty training my son. It helps keep it cleaner too. If you get him some fun underwear and encourage him to keep his Lightening McQueen or Spiderman or whatever dry, that helps too. BMs are much harder, but with my son, we would give him a special treat if he did BM's in the potty - a trip to the mall to ride on one of those little kid rides that cost 25-50 cents or bubble gum. We gave him the choice of which one he wanted, and he loved getting to "pick" his reward. My son was 3 when we did it (I had just had a new baby) and control was a big issue for him. Going potty was something he could control (cause let's face it, unless we sit the kid on the potty all day long and don't let them off, we can't make them go.) If you can help him feel like it is something he is choosing to do not something you are "making" him do, it will be easier on you. Sounds like you are on the right track.