I got a toe nail fungus from a nail salon about 4 years ago. I tried several topical treatments (including tea tree oil) which did not work. I finally came across Dr. G's which did work. It had my toe nail (which by then was very thick and embarrassing) looking much better in 4 months and "cured" in 8 months. I used Dr. G's sporadically for another two months. It said that you would not have the fungus gone until one year and that you should continue to use the solution for another 6 months. I did not heed this advice as I felt like I was "cured" after 8 months. Within the next year, my fungus was back and it was starting on another toe. Yikes! I couldn't find Mr. G's anymore and the little bottle I had was almost empty. However, it had the active ingredient (benzalkonium chloride - broad spectrum), so I looked everywhere for something with the same active ingredients (while trying other remedies in vain... including dipping my toe in straight bleach, which I had read would help). Anyway, to make a long story that much longer... I finally something called ReclearAF at Walgreen's with that same ingredient and started using it two years ago. Wait, don't get scared... it cleared it up again... this time in about 11 months (my toe had gotten much worse this second time while I was looking for something) and I have been using it every day for the past year even though there is no longer any sign of the fungus... I'm not taking any chances this time around.
I would definitely recommend this product, even though the cure takes a very long time. Basically, as I have read on websites that talk about any toe nail fungus cure, you have to wait until all the infected nail grows out, which takes about a year and then continue treatment for some time afterwards to ensure that it stay away.
Here is a link to the product on Walgreen's website, so you know what you're looking for in the store (ugly packaging, but good product): http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=305057&a...#
Hope that helps! It will get better!