Seriously if you find a way, let me know because my oldest does the same thing and he s also exactly 27 months.
My son is so lovely, is smart, speaking in complete sentences all the time, great vocab, knows his letters, but he is like a caveman when it comes to eating. He dumps out milk from his cup, throws food and silverware. I cannot take him over for mealtime playdates because he has put his hands in other kid's water glasses and all the plates and food end up on the side of the table that he isn't sitting on. It is a misery for everyone if he is not strapped into a chair to eat. At family member's houses we have to actually tie him to a chair with my husband's belt, no joke. All this while all my friends kids are eating at little tables in real chairs and drinking out of glasses with no lids.
I am to the point where I have accepted it, and I am not emotionally responding any longer. I do give time outs for throwing food because i find that behavior unacceptable. And I have found that if I give a time out for the throwing food, he comes back to the table and behaves, but only for the duration of tat meal. Next mealtime we start all over. My son is very curious and high energy, so I think that has alot to do with it. I take solace in knowing that while I have seen kids with bad table manners, I have never seen a 10 year old throwing food. So I assume that this will pass when he realizes that he is the only one acting like a heathen.
Good Luck! And stay in stock on paper towels until this passes.