HI C. - I too have a 17 mos old that hates having his diaper changed- I have 2 older boys as well and cannot remember either of them having the tantrums he does when I change him! a friend of mine has the same problem with her son- so it's totally normal- I'll tell you what has helped us out a lot. Before I lay him on the floor to change him I pick him up and kiss his neck and ask for big hugs then lay him down ( the squirming starts) but I stay close to his face and kiss him and then I sing songs- ABC song or wheels on the bus- whatever your guys likes. It has helped tremendously! He can sense your stress and hostility- but while I'm singing I have a smile on my face and that lightens the mood for everyone - then I'm not so grumpy when we are done...I"m not saying it's still not a struggle sometimes- because it is- but most of the time it has made our diaper changing sessions a lot quicker and a lot less stressful. He is probably teething like my little guy and thier poops do hurt when they are teething. Try either balmex (takes the red away in one change) or beaudroux butt paste and use a lot. It's worth a try. Email if you have any other questions.
Good Luck