You need to stay with your husband. I'm not sure why you were denied in Utah, but that's where you live, so you should stay there. Is your insurance just not covering a large chunk of labor and delivery? There are several options for you. Go ahead and have the baby in Utah and when you receive the hospital bills, tell them you'll need to be on a payment plan. Especially right now, hospitals had MUCH rather have someone on a payment plan that not paying at all!
Cari M. also had a good suggestion. Home births or using a certified midwife or nurse/midwife are FAR cheaper than OB services in a hospital. Many hospitals provide for delivery with a midwife and many OB GYN offices offer the service through them as well. Search in Salt Lake City and you're likely to find at least one birthing center operated by midwives where you can give birth at far less cost than a hospital. I have a friend down the street who didn't have good insurance, so she had a home birth with a midwife and a doula. It only cost $2000 compared to the $5000 (50% of the hospital/doctor costs) she would have had to pay delivering in the hospital. Good luck! Just please don't miss this opportunity to start off as YOUR family -with your husband and baby coming into the world. He deserves to be there and I think if you go to California and he misses it, you're both really going to regret it in the future.
*****UPDATED****Honey, you should have left off your "What Happened"! If you don't want opinions that contradict what you want to do or that are negative -then don't post and ask for people's opinions -especially when it involves getting government aid in a state where you don't even live. You sound incredibly immature -from the whole idea of running to mommy and daddy so someone else can pick up your tab to the fact that you don't expect to have to sacrifice anything to have this baby.
Guess what -I've got two car payments and a mortgage too! I used to be a SAHM and my husband got laid off when I was 5 months preggo with my 2nd, so we had to REALLY bite the bullet -but no one ever thought of getting medicaid. I am filled with regret that I had to go back to work 2 years before I planned to and am missing a lot of precious time with my youngest -but that's just the way it goes sometime! Hey -at least I got to stay at home with my kids far longer than many, many women. I would never consider milking the system by staying at home and applying for a bunch of aid when I could be working because I didn't want to change my lifestyle. Just because you're working doesn't mean you're not taking advantage of the system. Medicaid is basically for indigent people and those who don't have jobs and haven't had jobs for a long time and would never be able to pay for medical treatment on a payment plan or anything else.
Did you think having a baby was going to be free or inexpensive? Why didn't you check into what your insurance covered before you got pregnant? From your other posts this apparently was NOT an "oops" of a pregnancy. You didn't say your insurance wouldn't pay for your delivery at all in the original post. Why not? Most of them pay for some of it unless you were pregnant before you got the insurance. Guess what -failure to plan on your part DOES NOT constitute an emergency on my part! It also doesn't mean I need to pay for your poor financial planning. You may be a tax payer too, but now you want to milk the system so you can keep everything like you have it. Sell your house and rent an apartment or get rid of one of the cars. You are aware, aren't you, that the baby is going to need insurance and lots of other things that cost money! Are you planning to ask the people of Utah or California to pick up that tab too?
Here's a memo to everyone, especially if you feel that some people need assistance with the medical costs of having a baby after taking care of their mortgages and bills -if you can't afford to have a child, THEN DON'T HAVE ONE! Birth control is free at your county health office. Having a baby is NOT a right and it's NOT something you have to do. If you have an illness or need surgery -you can't help that, so I'm more than happy for Medicaid to exist to cover those things and for kids who are constantly brought into this world by unthinking parents. I don't want to see any child not receive medical care, but the rest of you who expect some of us to foot the bill for you so you can have a baby make me extremely angry. There will always be some accidents that fall through the cracks, but to knowingly and willingly get pregnant when you know you can't afford it and have to have government aid is absolutely ridiculous.