I nursed longer with my first than with my second. I think that's actually pretty normal among the 99% of mommies who are not breastfeeding divas. =) I have a friend with 4 kids who BF the first one for a year, the second one nine months, the third one 3 months, and I think she made it a month with #4. She said she was so busy by the time #4 came around that she just didn't have time to sit for 20 minutes and nurse! It's life. What can you do, right? You've already made it longer with your second baby than I did with my first! If you're mostly ready to be over it, then don't feel badly about giving up BF. I think the shift in hormones that goes along with stopping is enough to make you feel a little sad. It's a survival mechanism, I'm sure (i.e. back in the caveman era, a mother who felt sad about not feeding her baby would be more likely to feed her baby more often, therefore baby lives to see another day). But now we have options for feeding our babies other ways, and so our hormonal sadness translates to guilt. It will pass, your baby will do fine, all will be well!