Hi R.,
First of all, congratulations on your new addition-to-be! My two boys are 13 months apart, with the youngest born 7 weeks early! We wanted ours close together, but not quite that close! The most difficult thing for me was that the youngest also had colic, so I had some pretty rough times for the first 8 months. The best thing that you can do is try to get on a schedule with your little boy, especially for meals and bedtime before the baby arrives. That will make fitting in the baby's routines a bit easier. My son used to sit with me while I nursed and read a book, or we would watch a video. I would have a glass of water and he would have a drink as well, so that he felt like we were all doing the same thing. I then also had him help burp the baby, so that he would feel that he could help in some way. My oldest would also bring me a diaper when the baby needed changing, and he would go down for a nap at two of the baby's nap times- mornings 10-12 and afternoons 2-4. He was a good sleeper, which allowed me to be with the baby, who was extremely colicky!
At dinner, I would put my older son in his high chair while I was cooking, so he could see what I was doing, and explain what I was doing (helped him tremendously with his vocabulary!) and the baby was usually in his swing. That way, I could have some one-on-one time with my son, and get something done. I'll never forget one night when my oldest was eating some Cheerios in his high chair, I was nursing AND stirring dinner on the stove, and my husband came in from work. He rushed over to help immediately! The biggest thing was that my husband did so much to help me-ALWAYS doing what I asked, form getting me a glass of water, changing or bathing the boys, whatever- he was amazing. At the time, we were near family so got lots of help from them. We moved here when the boys were 1 and 2, so I didn't have the family network anymore, but I stayed with the routines, going out to parks and activities, and that helped a lot.
Now the boys are 14 and 15 and even though they don't always get along and a re a bit competitive, they are good friends and will always have a close bond- they don't know what life is like without one another! Having one of each sex will cut down on the rivalry, but I still think they will be very close. The best advice that I can give is that, yes! it will be hard and difficult at times, especially when they are both in diapers; however, enjoy it while they are young- I'll never get those cuddles in the big rocking chair back!
Good luck and email me if you want any more info!