Whatever you do, don't get your daughter a hamster. They look cute and fuzzy and adorable, but the big problem is, they have no brains. Saying so, the can't bond with you. They are nocturnal, so your daughter will never get sleep. They are heartless, annoying creatures. They just have a mindset of, eat, sleep, wheel, bite your owner. I suggest a Guinea Pig, or Rat. Maybe Sugar Gliders, but you have to watch her. I've had 5 guinea pigs, all alive healthy, and cute. Every day of my hamsters life, I feel sad to say this, I wanted to throw her ungratefull body on the wall. She died when she got an eye infection, and refused to eat. My guinea pigs, come when called, and love to snuggle. I'm thinking of getting a rabbit, so ill update you on that. Also, I saw someone post, "most people buy two hamsters, because they are very social" not true. Hamster dnt care what happens as long as they get food. Anyway, the extra 20 bucks, is worth the 3-14 year old friend. Please, please, don't get her these awful creatures.