My daughter was two at the end of June and I'm expecting at the beginning of October. She's a terrible two but talks very well and clear for her age which I'm excited about. But she repeats everything she hears. Although this is fine at home because her father and I are careful about what we say, it's not good at school or around people who are not mindful. With that being said, she's told me no, hit back, falls out, tells me she's mad at me or just mad, tells her dad I hit her or tells me he hit her (yes, we believe in spanking...needed at 2). Although I've seen worse, she's on the list. According to a friend that has a 3 year old daughter (and she was terrible at 2), it does not get any better. Maybe it should be 'Terrible Two Through Three'. Lol. You'll find patience. Although I cannot be with her 24/7, since I'm a working parent, she will pick up bad habits from other children. The biggest frustration (at least for me) is dealing with those bad habits. Sometimes you have to breathe and walk away from them. Be consistent with discipline. Talk to them about the bad behavior. I'm quick to tell my daughter that a particular behavior is not acceptable or isn't cute or that it's bad (depends on what it is since she's learned the word...from daycare). When she misbehaves, instead of telling her she's bad or the behavior was bad, we tell her she's being disciplined (spanked or otherwise) because she misbehaved. Although we haven't corrected everything, we don't get as many tantrums as before but the stubbornness is surely there. Good luck with your 2 1/2 year old and the new bundle of joy.