I was a HUGE fan of teething tablets....(let us ALL get some rest ;)
Just let the kiddo "eat" it....same results!!! They taste like nothing...I know, I ate a few....just for testing.
Those things made a world of differance for us....
Ok soooo I'm now using teething tablets and the instructions say to dissolve under the tongue. . . . do they really expect us to be able to get the baby to put the tablets under the tongue? I of course don't, I just put them in his mouth. I just find if funny that those are instructions for a baby! Any other silly instructions that you have found??
*****I've actually used them after my dentist checkup and my gums were sore from the DA attacking me with floss. Ow that hurt! But the Hylands Teething Tablets made them feel SOOOOOO mmuch better!
Thanks Tonya! Yeah I knew there were some differences between the two types of Bella Donna, but now I know for sure. Well every kid reacts to meds/foods/sunlight/lotions ect differently so I'm not worried about my son having a reaction since we have been using them for awhile (and yes I know that that can change and will keep an eye out for any change) and so far they are the only thing that helps him.
Thanks mamma's keep the stories coming!!
I was a HUGE fan of teething tablets....(let us ALL get some rest ;)
Just let the kiddo "eat" it....same results!!! They taste like nothing...I know, I ate a few....just for testing.
Those things made a world of differance for us....
Had suppositories once that said "insert one in each rectum" good times....
My favorite is still the tag on the hairdryer that says don't use in the bathtub! Really?! And yes, those things rock and are a staple at my house too!
I always put the teething tablet onto a spoon, added a bit of water to dissolve them and just 'fed' them to the baby. Not difficult--if they're teething, they'll put just about anything into their mouth. FYI--homeopathics are standard-labeled as "dissolve under the tongue", so that is likely what the labeling is about. Unhelpful, to say the least!
LOL, I know what are you talking about, I actually tried to do that with my baby, I found more easy smash them and then give them to her, besides, they take for ever to dissolve. Well, maybe not for ever but when you little one is teething every second counts.
Really!? I would have never thought to use a couple of those teething tablets after the floss attack at the dentist!! Good idea I will be doing that next time I go in, thanks!
Martha... I just about died laughing.
My favorite ever (before the "insert into each rectum" one), was the warning on the box of toothpicks: "Do not stick into any oriface or your eyes." Well darn. I was going to "insert into each...". NOW what am I to do with them?
Yeah, that made me laugh too. Have they every TRIED to do this to an infant? Apparently not! ;) They do have a teething gel, however, that I do like better.
Good luck!
Barefoot Books Ambassador
My baby loved those. I used to call it her candy. "Mmmmm does baby want her candy?!?" she took them right away (and I am not even sure she understood what candy was, because at that point she had never had candy, LOL). She liked her tablets more then the orajel.
When my SIL visited she found out I was using them, and told me right away to stop giving them to the baby. She said her lactation specialist advised her not to because they can cause heart/brain problems. I turned to her and told her I trusted my doctor more then I trusted her lactation specialist (she's not used to people disagreeing with her). LOL. I tried it on me before I gave it to my baby, it's all natural, so no harm. =)
We were at a friend's house and she gave us these for our youngest who is teething. He wouldn't even put them in his mouth, much less let them "dissolve under his tongue." I rub orajel on his gums, and that's taking my fingers into perilous territory! My personal "fave" is when you're given eye DROPS for pinkeye or something for a kid around 1 to 18 m old. Yeah, are you sending your entire nursing team home to help us hold him down, pry his eyes open and get a drop in there? Please!
Our little one had an adverse reaction to them. The doc in the ER said they were REALLY NOT a good idea. He said if he found out we were still using them and had to bring her in again he would call child services. They contain Bella Donna which is a poison so be careful how you use them.
She did not overdose or have even the maximum amount. She just stayed up for several days and never completely went to sleep.
isn't that the best?!! I've never thought of using them myself, I'll have to go pick some more up! They definitely are a life saver! (and a sleep saver!)
Have you read the "instructions" for using diapers? They say to shake baby soil into the toilet. Um, yeah. Do you really shake baby poop into the toilet before rolling up the diaper? And how much baby poop would actually shake out? Most of it's runny and half-soaked into the diaper, especially before they start solids! DUMB!
Oh, and I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 28 (I know, a little later than usual, huh?) and I was already a mom.Before I had them out, my jaw would ache back there where the wisdom teeth were impacted. I was putting Orajel on my son's molars one night and my jaw hurt so bad that I just smeared some Orajel back there without even thinking about it. It was heaven!!! I used it all the time after that, until my surgery.