Congrats, R., on your new daughter - welcome to the wonderful, exhausting, fabulous world of motherhood! And what a loving, healthy gift you are giving yourself and your daughter with breastfeeding. You can certainly get through this phase of teething and continue to breastfeed. My first got her teeth at 6 months, my 2nd got his first teeth on his 3 month birthday. It's far easier to help a 6 month old understand that teeth hurt mommy than it is a 3 month old! But with both of my babies, we made it through. :)
Here's what helped us - take what sounds useful, discard the rest!:
* see if you can figure out when biting is occuring
Is it at the end, when she's mostly done nursing but just hanging out? If so, watch for her nursing session to slow and take her off before she has a chance to nip. :) If she's chomping on you in a teething manner, give her something else to use - like a cool, damp washcloth or a teether. If she's uncomfortable (needs to burp, pee, or poop), it's possible that she's letting you know that she's done nursing for the moment.
* definitely let her know that it hurts you - tell her so, like "ouch, teeth hurt mama!", and give her a physical signal as well like others' suggestions of brushing her cheek or removing her from the nipple
* if the teething is really causing her a lot of pain (like a lot of chomping on the breast, not able to sleep, really obviously physically suffering from the teething), we did cave on occasion and use infant Motrin or Tylenol for the super-bad teething times (but we did this very, very sparingly - we really prefer in general to NOT medicate and to instead use natural methods like cool teethers, frequent nursing which does act as a pain reducer, etc.)
Again, congratulations! Also, if you want to connect with other breastfeeding mothers, there is a fabulous group up your way which meets each month:
Mason/Montgomery LLL
2nd Thursday of every month @ 10am
Leaders: Chellie ###-###-####, Mary ###-###-####, Ruthanne ###-###-####