I second the Hylands teething tablets and the frozen carrots. I also froze wet washcloths and baby girl LOVED to gnaw on those.
My daughter is now 6 months old and has her two bottom teeth and is cutting her eye teeth first instead of her front teeth. the doctors says there is no order in how they come in. But my problem is that i give her tylenol and have tried the tablet and jell for her teeth and she still has prolems with her gum.
What else can i do?
thanks A.
I would like to thank everybody for there advice with the teething. She has really had her days she fights with them. For everyone she is still cutting her top teeth and love the cold washclothes and carrots to chew on. So thanks alot
I second the Hylands teething tablets and the frozen carrots. I also froze wet washcloths and baby girl LOVED to gnaw on those.
If your daughter is one of those children that like to put things in their mouths, try using cold carrots for her to chew on. The cold always helps and no medication is involved and their going to look for something to chew on like their fingers so why not take care of two things at once. Just make sure the carrot is clean of course and then make sure that it doesn't break into a smaller piece to swallow and/or choke on. You'll get through it... Good Luck!
My 8-month old is going through this same thing. We use the Baby Oragel teething swabs to make sure we can massage her gums while putting the medicine on too. She sometimes bites down on the swab, it gives her comfort so we let her do that, but under close watch. Hope she feels better! And good luck on Tuesday!
Hi A.,
I use a combination of ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc.) and the Highlands (I don't know if that's the correct spelling) homeopathis teething tablets. Ibuprofen will relieve pain and reduce the inflammation in her gums which Tylenol will not do. The teething tablets always seem to provide almost instant relief. I always gave a dose of ibuprofen and the teething tablets before bed when mine were teething. You can buy the teething tablets at Walgreens, Walmart, and Target. That is the ONLY thing that helped two of my babies. Also, you might try putting frozen fruit in one of those mesh baby feeders that they hold and suck on.
Hylands teething tablets are all natural and they worked wonders for us!! They can usually be found at Walgreens:) Good luck!
I live by Hurricaine. It is a topical anesethetic gel. My daughter is cutting her teeth and a friend from work recommended it. You may have to ask a pharmacist for it. They do not keep it out on the shelf. You do not need a perscription, but they keep it behind the counter. It is better than anything else I have found. My daughter loves the watermelon flavor.
Well i was told by a pediatrician to try putting a little childrens beedyl on a q-tip and rubbing the gums with it, its suppose to numb the gums, it either worked or my kids liked the taste!
Hi A.,
High grade tea tree oil will help relieve the pain and also keep the gums healthy. Be careful not to get a low grade because it can be drying or caustic. You can go to the health store and ask (the lowest grade you should use is T36-C5, they should know what you are talking about) If you can't find any, let me know and I can help if you want to go that route.
A wet and frozen baby cloth can be placed in her mouth for chewing also. The cold will be comforting...
Typically when kids have difficulty with teething, it's due to lack of calcium. If you can get some calcium drops and rub them on her gums, it will help SO MUCH! I usually use Kid-E-Cal from www.herbsfirst.com, but you can get some from a local health food store, I'm sure.
I've had some friends that did that and it was immediate, either way she'll need to take the dose orally...and rubbing it on the gums is a great way to get it going faster. I hope this helps!
Give motrin for teething instead of tylenol , it works better for oral pain, says my dentist and my ped. And Try hylands teething tablets or Gumomile oil, my Herbs For Kids. the oil can be found at health food stores it sticks on their teeth and lasts longer than origel . you can also get a wash clothe wet and put it in the freezer and take it out after its frozen and she can suck on it it will help.
At 6 months, you can use Motrin, which works SO much better than Tylenol. I never had any luck with natural/homeopathic remedies, but maybe they'll work for you. Motrin was the only thing that worked for us--my daughter wouldn't sleep at all without it while teething. Good luck!
The Orajel Teething Swaps were awesome for us. Our son did terrific with teething & even better when we used the swabs. Just an idea with everything else that's listed.