You should give him only hidrolized milk like nutramigen, pregestimil, nutriben... and about food. start only whith one cereal at a time. NO WHEAT befor a year. start with rice cereal (dairy free). after a month, if he is better, introduce oat(avena). Never dayry in any form. even dairy cookies. About vegetables, No citrics nor acid fruits like grapes, nor acid aple. start whit carrot only. then in one week introduce squash.... potato and other roots can be alergenics. you shoul try them carefully. write everything he eats and the condition of his skin at that moment, this will help you identify the alergens. to help the skin use spetial hidratant cream for excema. If you treat the skin, anulating the excema for example with cortizone, and you don´t take the alergens out of his diet, soon he will develope astma or breath problems, he will be always week to fight viruses or bacteries and will have always nose and chest congestion. if you are militar estrict in that, at the age of 1 or 1 and a half year old he wil be able to eat everything, and will have a strong health. Buy books about alergies and learn the more you can. My two girls had excema when they where babies. my son has excema today and I control his food like a general