Hi, C.. Please don't take this as a negative comment, but some helpful info for your baby's health.
Like Melanie said, you should talk to your pediatrician. The reason why they recommentd feeding cow's milk to babies older than one year old is because the protain in cow's milk can cause a low-grade inflammation in the intestinal lining. I have read that although the irritaion is not enought to trigger pain or vomitting, it does cause microscopic bleeding in the baby's intestines (because their intestinal lining is not fully matured.) If the blood loss goes on long enough and he is not consuming any iron-containing foods or supplement, he could get profound anemia.
It sounds like you are giving him vitamin supplements and baby food, but you should ask your ped. about this. If he thinks it is okay, then you can keep giving your baby the whole milk with supplements.
Good luck.