wow, where do I start. First of all, you have not gotten your baby into ANY bad habits, she is six months old and still needs to nurse during the night. There is absolutely nothing wrong with nursing during the night! in fact she needs this nourishment (and comfort) she is way too young to try to get her to "sleep through the night". That being said, I can tell you that my daughter, who is six months, has always slept in my bed, right next to me. We have always slept right through the night, only half waking up to latch her on to the breast a few times a night. This is absolutely the most natural option for breastfed babies and their moms. We have never had sleeping issues and it is certainly not a bad habit to break. You should ask yourself what kind of situation works best for your baby and you. I find it disturbing and unnatural that we tend to think of babies as "manipulating us" or forming "bad habits" or the need for us moms to have "schedules" and timetables that don't necessarily fit into what is best for our babies. The cry it out method is cruel and based on a male-centered theory that babies need to be taught "independence", babies do not learn to be independent by showing them that you will not listen to the only way they know how to communicate. Babies work primarily on instincts that us mothers should listen to. I encourage you to look more towards the attachment parenting point of view. Read the Continuum Concept by jean leadloft, Mothering and Fathering by Tine thevenin, and check out ANY Dr. Sears books(especially the Baby Book) and askdrsears.com also Mothering Magazine (such an excellent magazine!)had a great issue last month on co-sleeping, check it out.
Honestly take all our moms advice with a grain of salt, we all seem to do things a little different based on our own belief systems. It sounds like she is telling you what she needs, you should listen to her. Also be cautious about feeding too much sold foods at this age as well, her digestive system is still immature and can not handle too much solid food, look at her stool, if it is getting too solid and she is having a hard time passing it, you should sloooow down. My theory is breastmilk is babies' perfect food, why rush feeding solids when she gets everything she needs? at least in the first year. Again, do what she needs, not what fits best into your schedule. I now that I often have a hard time surrendering to the beauty and simplicity of just being a mom, it takes patience ans sacrifice on our parts, but this time passes all to quickly! cherish these moments of nursing and sleeping at night, it will be gone before we know it! Good Luck!