Yes, I do believe your lil' one is trying to tell you something : ) She appears to be beyond the swaddling stage and well, it's time for her to explore her world. She will learn to adjust like all other things. You and her are just beginning!
Our son who is now 22 months is a bundle of joy! He liked swaddling for about the first 4 weeks, then I swaddled with his arms out, legs in. This appeared to work well. Then before long, no more swaddling. I know we were not swaddling at 4 months. He was sleeping independently in his crib by then.
And yes, patience and parenting go hand in hand. Safety comes first, but a child relies on us to provide the guidance in all the development and life experience ahead.
One last thing, redirection is also key. During this transition, she is just searching for another comfort tool. Our son found his thumb, he never liked pacifiers. Trial and error and well, just give her time and reassurance, she and you will be fine : )
Best wishes!