Hi, J B...
Although my little one wasn't rolling herself out of her Miracle Blanket, she was moving around enough that it just became too much of a hassle to keep her rolled tightly in the Miracle Blanket the older that she got, but because she wasn't ready to sleep un-swaddled, I went on a mad hunt for another option and I came across "The First Years Easy Wrap Swaddlers". They come in a 2-pack and they velcro shut instead of just continually wrapping around the baby so they have a much more snug fit and for us, anyways, they worked so much better. However, because I knew that she just wasn't at the point to go without swaddling, I still had her sleeping with her wedge, which prevented her from rolling herself over and getting stuck. I would just put her slanted on her side and I would alternate sides each time I laid her down. Once I noticed that she was pushing herself out of the wedge I decided to start easing her out of her swaddler and so for about a span of 3 days, I would just make the swaddle blanket a little loser each time to help her ease out of them and she sailed through it without a problem.
Best of luck to you! :)