Around 4 months babies go through a HUUUUGE growth spurt and they wake up more frequently because they need to eat more frequently. This happens to most babies. During growth spurts they get about 30% of their daily intake in the nighttime!!!!
Babies are constantly changing and can not be expected to sleep/act/eat the exact same way from birth on! They are TRIPLING their size in the first year alone!
No need to stop swaddling her if she enjoys it and it works for her. You could try not swaddling her and see how that goes in conjunction with feeding her and trying out that pacifier again.
Please feed your baby when she wakes, she is growing.
"self soothing" is a term that erupted from the societal pressures of baby sleeping through the night when in almost EVERY OTHER CULTURE this is not at all an issue. At 4 months old, your baby is way too young to grasp any sort of concept of that nature. 6 months+ is when it is considered better to introduce any sort of "sleep training" if you must.
This is temporary, and she will change her sleeping habits again (and maybe even again!) several times in the coming months.
Also, why not give her the pacifier? Babies like to suck! "pacifiers" have been around for centuries! After you've fed her if she still wants to suck on something, I'd give it to her. It seems like you are really worried about her developing "bad habits", she is only 4 months old.
Please do not give your baby rice cereal to aid her to sleep through the night, as others have suggested. It has no nutritional value and it's very outdated advice since we now know that the only reason it *might* make babies sleep longer is because it takes the body longer to digest. So if you give her cereal when her body really just needs her regular food nutrients to keep growing, you are cheating her out of the nutrition she really needs in the middle of the night.
I know, I KNOW that it's so hard when she was sleeping through and now she is not and you are both more tired than you used to be..but this is only a season, this will not last forever.
(Also putting baby cereal in a bottle is also outdated advice. Something that our parents and grandparents did because there were no studies at all as to what the outcome could be. It is possible to inhale small amounts of the rice cereal into their lungs, which could lead to pulmonary problems. Also babies are born with a wonderful mechanism for knowing how much food they need. During the early months, they take their cues from the volume of what they drink. Adding cereal derails this mechanism. It forces them to take in deceptively large amounts of calories. It teaches them to overeat.)