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Okay. Can someone please give me suggestions on what I can put on my face for sun spots/age spots. I have tried Avon banishing cream for 4 months now and no change. I have tried Esoterica spot remover/fade cream and I could not leave the house for two days due to allergic reaction. My face got swollen and red. I have been on Clinique cream for spots and no change either. Does anyone know of something that works?
The Mary Kay even complexion mask has AWESOME results!!! All MK products are 100% guaranteed and you can try before you buy!
The Clinique repairwair is supposed to be great-is that the one you are on? Hydroquinine is the gold standard but should be prescribed by a doctor. Go to a cosmetic dermatologist or a medical spa to really take care of this.
I do not have any suggestions, but I am glad you asked this question. I also have these spots and I am currently on a new "cream" that isn't working. I'm in the same boat, nothing has worked. Based on what I've read already, it looks like I'll be seeing a dermatologist soon. Good luck!
Ther derm can give you the hydroquinone cream which will really work (its about $100) problem is after you stop using it-they can reappear especially if you have sun exposure-Laser is good but expensive-to lighten them you can use glycolic peels or retin a. I would see a derm before wasting lots of $$ on products that dont really deliver.
The reason you aren't seeing a change is probably because these things you are using are not strong enough, especially for your skin type. To find the right solution, you really need to see a dermatologist. Most have free consultations. If they recommend a product, go home, research it, and see if you can find it cheaper online. I do. I have seen an improvement in my skin with the use of microdermabrasion treatments from my derm, along with using Vivite skin care. Good luck.
On another MB that I read, people are using coconut oil and they say that their age spots are fading. There are a lot of benefits to coconut oil such as it is a great moisturizer and can clear up acne and KP among other things.
You want to use the extra virgin unrefined coconut oil. I have purchased the Nutiva brand coconut oil on Amazon (two 15 oz. containers for around $13).
It is a solid but has a melting point of 76 degrees. You only need a very small amount because a little goes a long way. Put it in your hand until it melts and then rub onto your face and body. If it doesn't absorb in within 15 minutes or so, then you used too much.
I use it on my face at night and then just rinse my face with warm water in the morning. My skin is so smooth.
Consuming coconut oil is also good for you too. Read the reviews on Amazon to see what coconut oil can do for you.
Shaklee's Enfuselle line (vitamins for the skin) will take care of it in no time. And, it is a money back guarantee. Let me know if you are interested.
Take a look at Arbonne's Revelage products. They minimize sun spots, age spots. The concentrated age spot minimizer is 50% off this month when you buy the anti-aging skin care system. You can see them at www.arbonne.com or at www.marywozniak.myarbonne.com
You have to get a prescription from the dermatologist
Thanks for posting. I'm going to see a derm too. I am weary of the hydroquine that is Dr. prescribed because of possible birth defects, and I'm not sure if we are finished having kids yet. I just got back on BC and I think that either that or the spring sun have made my spots worse. I had microderm recently, and I think that it helped lighten one dark spot slightly. The esthetician told me that a lot of women get the spots on the left side of their face, due to sun exposure while driving! My skin is so sensitive to chemicals, oils, etc...that I'm thinking that I may have to get lasered or stop being vain :)
Post again if you find something that works!
I actually had laser treatments done on my face to remove dark spots. It did work great, was a bit painful and expensive. The down side is that they do come back! I did my treatments 4 years ago and have dark spots again even though I always wear sunscreen and hats. The spots they remove don't resurface but new ones do even if you wear sunscreen and stay out of the sun. The way I understand it is that damage you have done to your skin for the past 10 years is still woking it's way to the surface. I remember seeing Dr. Oz do a scan of peoples faces to show all the skin damage that will surface in upcoming years. Ask the doctor about it before you do any laser treatments to find out the current information. It is something you may have to do every few years to stay looking great.
one year I let the sun tan my face and ended up with a freckly moustache :( it faded after 2-3 years. i tried some skin lightener for this problem from the pharmacy, but nevermind that it reeked like perm solution, it didnt work. I agree, go to a dermatologist.
Remember to put a spf 45+ on your face and/or wear a billed hat- dont let the sun ruin your skin. a nice bronzer can keep your face matching your body if your tanned, but seriously, dont allow the sun to do it for you.
* I should add, at least for me, that trying to cover the spots with makeup only made them appear worse, more like a dirt moustache. If using makeup, I'd apply it everywhere except over the spots to try and blend them out.
See your dermatologist...The laser treatments for these kind of things work wonders and it is easy!!!
The sun spots/ brown patches on the face is called melasma. It's very hard, if not impossible to remove. Laser therapy is very expensive, and from what I've read, doesn't work sometimes.
There is a professional peel called a Cosmelan peel. You need to get it done at a med spa, not all places have it/not all dermatologist use it & it's not covered by insurance. It's also expensive, but not as much as laser treatments, it ranges from $500-$700. Or you can purchase it on ebay for about $350-$400. It has received really good reviews and seems to work. Google Cosmelan peel for more info.
Honestly, the only thing that would probably work is seeing a dermatologist. Also, wear sunscreen ALL the time. I have a friend who is in her late 20s (from up north) and couldn't understand why she was getting age spots at such a young age. Come to find out, she wasn't wear sunscreen on her face everyday. A HUGE no-no, esp in the South where the summers are brutal!
If you are on birth control pills, the spots can look worse. If this is your case, you might want to talk to your doctor non-hormonal options.
The only thing that helped mine was making a VERY pointed effort to keep my face out of the sun. I wear a daily moisturizer that contains 50 spf with helioplex in it, and I have completely stopped getting sun on my face. For the past two years I wear a hat or make sure I double up on facial sunscreen that is at least a 50. I love the outdoors and the beach, lake and pool, but I was really getting some nasty spots. They've almost completely faded at this point! I have also seen the true results of the laser zapping you can get for them. It really works! They're gone, but the zapping is expensive. I'll do it though if mine come back or my face gets busted capillaries or anything as I age.
My Mom, had it lasered off.
Creams, takes time. The level of effectiveness varies. Meanwhile it costs money... and by the time that all adds up and all the different products to try and buy, you might as well spend the money of lasering it off.
Try these tips.
• Take some honey, yogurt, milk and crushed sesame seeds and make a paste of these ingredients. This is also beneficial home cure for improving complexion of oily skin.
• Applying freshly extracted carrot juice is a tried and tested remedy for Dark Skin, especially for blemishes and pigmentation.
• Prepare a mixture of coconut milk and pineapple juice and apply it on the skin for about 15 to 20 minutes regularly to achieve whitening of skin.
• A mixture of cucumber juice and honey can be applied on dry skin for getting rid of Dark Skin.