it sounds more like reflux or acid if it only happens when you have an empty stomach. gallblader disease is caused by the bile duct being blocked by either a stone or sludge. when you eat fatty foods. the liver tries to expell bile so that it can process the fats. if the bile duct is blocked it causes intense pain and it last for more than 5-15 minutes. the gallbladder kind of pulsates trying to expell the contents and that is what causes pain. its not just fatty foods but also spicy or hot foods. everyone is different so just because you dont have the classic symptoms doenst mean its ot the galbladder. the pain is usually in the right side under your rib cae and it feels like it is shooting all the way through to you back. kind oflike a stabbing knife type of pain. ihave seen patiets that come in for shortness of breath and it is probably because the pain is so intense that it is the symptom that they feel the most. sometimes the pain is accompained by nausea, or and and vomiting. maybe if you monitor when the pain comes how often and what you have eaten in the last couple hours before it hapens and then go to your doctor.
I am a nurse so i knew exactly what i had. but i put it off as long as possible because we are the worst patients.i had been on weight wtchers because being overweight sometimes exacerbates the problem so i thought if i lost weight i could prolong the surgery. i went on vacation to hershey pennsylvania and jsut had a bite of choloclate and i thought i was going to die. i took an early flight ome and went stright to the ER and then to surgery. the pain never did go away the whole time. it was ameserable flight . but as it turns out and as i knew it would be, it wasnt a big deal. i was back at work within a week, with restrictions of course, like no heavy lifting.