I had the same thing and was told that it happens in 50 percent of normal pregnancies. Try not to worry. You would have worsening pain/cramps and heavier bleeding if you were miscarrying. Kepp us posted.
Hi Mommas,
I need some encouragement...
I think I am around 5 weeks pregnant. I go in to see my doctoe in a couple of weeks to see how far along I am. When I woke up this morning, I went to the bathroom. I was constipated so had to strain (TMI, I know -- but we're Mommas!). WHen I wiped both places I had a little bit of bright red blood. I wouldn't have been enough to even get on a pad. Within a few hours, it did taper off. Now this evening, the spotting has started again. VERY light -- pinkish in color. I sometimes have very very mild cramps -- you know, the kind you read into and probably wouldn't feel if you weren't looking for them -- in both my sides and sometimes my back.
I have read, that this is common and it should be something to be concerned about if the bleeding gets really heavy or cramping gets really bad...does that sound right?
Thanks to you all! Just feelin' a little frightened...
I am planning on calling my OB in the morning. I am so scared though.
I need some words of encouragement, possible explantations, etc. b/c you know how hard it is going to be to wait until I can get in to see him.
Thanks for your supportive words, Friends. Sadly, I did go on to miscarry yesterday. I went in to see my doctor and my hCG levels were so low, it confirmed the miscarriage. I am heartbroken, but I do understand that it wasn't anything I did and it just wasn't meant to be.
Thanks again for your responses. I appreciate them.
I had the same thing and was told that it happens in 50 percent of normal pregnancies. Try not to worry. You would have worsening pain/cramps and heavier bleeding if you were miscarrying. Kepp us posted.
Early on in my pregnancy I had a lot of spotting too. I ended up at the ER at 8 weeks pregnant to discover that the baby was fine and I had a small blood clot in the lower part of my uterus (I forget the medical name of it.) The ultra sound tech and later my ob told me it was normal and not to worry. The ER doctor treated me as having a possible miscarriage, which really frightened me. I now have a very healthy almost two year old! I have heard that spotting early on is common and to just pay attention to how you are feeling--if it gets worse go to the ER or call your doctor. Calling my OB's office and speaking to the nurse there always calmed me down. Call your OB in the morning to be sure and relax until then. Stressing out over it never did me any good. Good luck! I hope you and the baby are great!
I had spotting at about 5 weeks that my doctor attributed to implantation bleeding. Basically, you can bleed a little as the baby burros deeper into the lining of your uterus (how it was described to me). Actually, at the time I didn't know I was pregnant and thought I was starting my period!
It is still worth calling your OB though. In my case I did end up also having low progesterone and needed to supplement for the first trimester - that can also cause cramps and bleeding, and can lead to miscarriage if not treated. (I really don't think that's your issue at all though, and it's not anything that can't wait until morning.)
Good luck, and congratulations on the new muffin in the oven.
I totally understand. I had 4 pregnancies with no spotting, and my 5th child finally did it to me. I was so worried! It was never much, which was reassuring, but enough that I went in at about 6 wweeks along. I was told that I had a blood clot, or bruise type thing, and that was why the bleeding. I would say for you to stay lying down and resting until you can see the dr. I would mostly encourage that so that you cant end up feeling like you should have done something if, God forbid, things dont go well. BUT, since it is light, not getting worse, etc... you are likely falling into that 50% of pregnancies you hear about. Sorry you had to join our club!! Take it easy and call the dr. in the morning. I hope all goes well! ~A.~