I also don't like flying but I still travel to see family (inlaws) 3-4 times a year. Believe it or not I used to have a job that required me to travel up to 2x/week and I had thousands of frequent flyer miles but somehow I got through it.
What I do is meditate especially during take off and landing. I close my eyes and focus on breathing deep slow breathes. Like the other post said I just realize it is in God's hands and I have had to learn to give up control. If we hit turbulance in the middle of a flight I close my eyes and imagine I am in a car on a bumby road. A pilot told me the bumpy road thing and that works really well.
I used to take dramamine because I would get sick on every flight but when I got pregnant with my first child I couldn't take it during the pregnancy and had to learn the meditation stuff. My recommendation though would be to take dramamine or something else from your doctor to relax you but also try the meditation. It really works.
Have fun and try not to worry.