Does you son display this behavior at school? Have you discussed this with his teacher? What is she noticing about his behavior? What is his behavior in the classroom on the playground? Is he making any friends? Is he completing class work and homework?
If he is fine at school and only behaving like this at home, you may need to think back to what really started this behavior. Has there been any other changes going on in the family? Has he had a physical check up? Try to keep notes with dates and times about his behavior (do not let him know you are doing this) so that when you do go to a counselor you will have a record of his behavior. Remember to include all actions you take in response to his behaviors.
Even though he is having trouble controlling his “feelings” his behavior must not be tolerated. He still should be expected to use an inside voice. No hitting no shoving. He must follow the house rules and respect YOUR house. When he misbehaves, he needs to be placed in time out. He must face consequences. He should be made to help repair the damage he makes.
Many, many children go though major moves with their families and they do just fine. You must give him the tools to express his feelings, but not go overboard wallowing in his anger. You need to also not project any of your own regret about this decision to have moved. He cannot handle this and it is your responsibility to protect him from fearing change. Use the attitude that “this is an adventure”.” This is a chance to make lots of new friends”. Let him have some choices. How would he like to decorate his new room? How about hanging some cool posters? You all could start planning on how the back yard should be set up.
If he is making friends at school, tell him if he can keep it together for a week, he can invite a friend over or you will take them to go bowling or whatever. You are the parent, do not think the worse. This will just continue to upset your whole household. You set the tone.
I am sending you strength and good thoughts.