You need to establish a better schedule during the day. How many naps does she take during the day, and how long do they last, and WHEN does she take them?
Even if she is still taking two naps, the last one should be OVER by 4 o'clock (some days are hard, but still...try.) If her afternoon nap is over and she has time to play before dinner, then have a nice relaxed dinner, more play time, and start the bedtime routine at 7.
I think you've waited to long to let her cry it out, so you may just have to keep putting her to sleep, but you can do it much earlier than midnight. Just start her day earlier, don't let her nap late, and make sure evenings are relaxed.
I never let my first one cry it out, so she couldn't fall asleep on her own...she was in a regular bed by 16 months, so I would just sit and read to her until she fell asleep. Never took longer than a half hour, and that is very valuable time spent reading to your child...nothing wrong with that.
I let my second one cry it out starting at nine months, and it only took three days. I suppose you could try it again, but explain it to her very simply!
Good luck, hope some of this helps!