I can totally relate, my second child is 6 years old now, but ever since he was about 5-6 months I can tell he was going to be very active and hyper and my suspicion was correct, Now he is very very active and is a strong willed child and I would read all kinds of parenting magazines and would never fit the critiria for their advice. Anyway he would try to sleep with us all the time and I would give in especially cause I wanted to sleep, but then I would just keep taking him to his bed so he would wake up in his own bed and associate that he is in his own and bed and needs to be there. When he was 2 he would come every night still and I would just walk him there for like 2 weeks and eventually he got sick of me saying no. With kids you have to stand strong even if it breaks your heart, I wish I had been stronger earlier. You will get thru it, just stand firm. Someone once told me that kids are only kids once,enjoy them eventually they don't even want to be around you as teens, I have a 12 year old that slept with us till he was 5 and now he is too "cool".