S. you're a great mommy for worrying about your son's safety. Unfortunately he's going to roll over now and probably sleep longer since sleeping on your back all night isn't too comfy. Now that he can roll over he's going to be okay. Just pray for him each night you put him to bed and trust that God will watch over him. I'm the worst at worrying. I didn't even let him have a blanket with him until he was 10 months old. If it makes you feel better to set an alarm every hour to check on him for a week to give you reassurance that he'll be okay, then do it. I wouldn't wake him up to roll him back over especially if you are lucky enough to have a baby that will sleep all night! Just do something to help YOU know that he'll be okay sleeping on his tummy or side or whatever way he decides is comfy for him. Heck, sometimes I go in and my son is sticking out of the crib with every limb but there's no way I'm going to move him once he's alseep- then no one will sleep that night! Good luck!