95% of the time 1 of 2 things cured the middle of the night wakings in our house.
- Food
- Tylenol
Food; if he was hungry, he was hungry... and nothing else would fix it but to eat.
Tylenol: hello teeth & growing pains. owee owee owee. He was always happy in the distracting daytime, but at night he had nothing but the pain to focus on, and would be inconsolable until the pain was gone or he was distracted by being awake and moving/playing. Tylenol = sleep 20 minutes later. Anything else meant up for the day.
The other 5 % would be nightmares (snuggle fix), earaches (decongestant fix), loneliness (snuggle again), or perversity ("Hey! I sleep when I'm tired, I'm awake when I'm not, mom! What's the problem?" Oy.). But the other 95% = food or tylenol.