Would you like to fix the underyling immune system irritations and aggravations that are leading to the allergies in the first place? This would heal you child, promote long term health and eliminate the need for medications which always come with negative side effects.
If so, read on.
First place to investigate is diet. Is she on formula? IF so, it is likely the formula. If you are breastfeeding, it is likely the food you are eating. A great lab for testing for the most common allergens (gluten, casein, soy, egg, yeast) is www.enterolab.com. They are in Plano. No doctor referral needed. Best lab I know of because they test stool specimens, not blood or skin scratch. Food irritates the gut, and causes immune system imbalance from there, so stool is where the irritation is actually occurring. Also, least invasive testing for a baby. Couldn't be easier! Order test kit online, send in specimen, they email you the results.
Also, try introducing a probiotic in applesauce or something. This will do A LOT to heal the gut and balance the immune system. You want the immune system to behave normally, not overreact to things inthe environment.
Good luck.