I nursed for two years, without using bottles. I also was not dependent on sippy cups around the house, I only took them with me when we had to go long distances on the bus.
My daughter's grandpa taught her to drink from a cup at 2 months, no joke. He gave her sips of from his glass. I was irritated at the time because she was exclusively breastfed, but I was also amazed at what he taught me. Babies had to drink before sippy cups and bottles, which haven't been around for very long:)
Of course she didn't master the cup on her own until about 9-10 months. Most of the time before that I would let her take sips of my water from my cup at mealtimes until she had enough coordination to hold the cup and drink at the same time. It only took a few weeks for her to master a cup without spilling.(big tip don't put more than an inch of fluid in the cup)
I say do whatever works for you, but if you can skip the bottle and sippy, I would go for it:)