My husband has a shellfish allergy and he doesn't have a problem swimming in the gulf or ocean. I dont know how bad your daughters allergy is, but if you want her to swim I think it would be best to bring her EpiPen just in case.
My 3 year old daughter has a very high shellfish allergy. I am new to the area and was not sure how swimming in the ocean would affect her allergy. Has anyone else had any problems with this??
My husband has a shellfish allergy and he doesn't have a problem swimming in the gulf or ocean. I dont know how bad your daughters allergy is, but if you want her to swim I think it would be best to bring her EpiPen just in case.
I have that severe allergy as well but have no problem with the ocean. I would say carry the Epi-Pen just in case but she should be fine.
I've lived around salt water most of my life, in different parts of the country, and I've never heard of anyone having a problem with swimming due to a shellfish allergy. I'm a pharmacist, as well, and haven't heard of it in that capacity, either. If her allergy is from ingesting shellfish, I'm sure she's fine. If she has a touch sensitive allergy, don't let her dig too much in the sand!
No never heard of anyone being allergic to the gulf . Good guestion though my daughter also has severe allergies. I would be interested to hear what you find out.