Are you hoping for all three seats on the same row, or are you planning on something with 2 seats in the back, and placing two car seats on one, and one on the other?? If you are trying to fit 3 in one seat..well good luck..you really have to base that more on the carseat than the car. And, while I know you dont want to..a minivan really would be your best bet. The reason is the door opens longer (if that makes sense) making it easier for you to get into the way back seat! They are also lower to the ground, with an SUV, you have to climb up into the car, and then climb over one seat to the other if you have multiple car seats. I have had 4, even 5 car seats in the back of my minivan (daycare:) and I know it can be done..but it is tricky! ~A.~